Lots of emotions today. The yard sale is over and I am feeling it this morning, so much that I am skipping church. (bad momma!). I have been working on this yard sale for 2 months now, gathering, sorting, tagging, etc. So many donations and I'm so, so, SO thankful for each and every one!! I planned on taking pictures and documenting each step, but I was literally so busy, I didn't. Lots of running around picking up donations, lots of people dropping them off, and trying to fit my family and home life in between all that. Was not an easy task and I have to say I failed at the "trying to fit my family and home life in between". I didn't even put Halloween decorations up! It was a temporary in my mind so I justified it with that. How do we justify situations like that in our minds? It is justifiable? Chalk it up to another failed attempt at having balance. Ah well, moving on....
Today is Orphan Sunday. Lots of emotions tied to this day, Aiden, Tanya.
I think I'll just leave it at that, it's Orphan Sunday, what a day to remember!
Time to "fall back" too. Totally forgot about the time change, although Mike did not. Good for him, bad for me. He went to church, I did not (bad momma, again). I was so, so, SO incredible tired last night and this morning.
We got to the site to start setting up for our fundraiser yard sale at around 6ish. Ehem, close, but not exactly at 6. =) We pulled in, Rhonda and her daughter Ashton pulled in right behind us, next was Mike's dad, then Krissy, a friends daughter, and then Tracey right after that, and then the other Tracy! Everyone was such a big help to us! And I have to say, I am like a drill sergeant when it comes to organization and setting up for one of these. I have it set up in my mind and I'm a stickler for it following through and seeing it all the way through! Bless these people's heart for helping us and letting me have my way! My friends know how how hard I work to get things organized and I get crazy when those things get out of whack! OCD person, yeah that's me!
After the awesome set up, things were off to a quick start. Krissy took reins over the cash drawer, which was a huge help! I was being asked, "how much for this?" and "how much for that?" "Does this work?" and "will you take this much?" Hagglers.... enough said! LOL Shelley soon showed up when things were on fast track! She jumped right in and was a huge help! Thanks Shelley!! It seemed non stop till after lunch! We kept going through quick downpours of rain, then sun, then another quick downpour. The people kept coming! By 4:00, our drawer was full, at least half if not more items were gone, and we were tired, so we started packing up. Mike, myself, Mike's dad and my dad were the shut down crew. It took us at least 2 1/2 hours to pack up the remainder of items, get the canopy down, tables up (we had 22 tables up!) and get everything loaded. I.was.dead.tired. I think we left the lot at around 7 pm maybe?
We were there from before the sun came up till after the sun went down! It was a 16 hour day, but, so worth it. I was so tired, my body hurt, all my joints ached. I didn't even count the money last night after we got home and unloaded the trucks. I took a warm shower, got Aiden ready for bed. Laid down with him at around 9:30 and was out. I woke sometime in the night, went to my bed and slept until 9:30 the next morning. I felt pretty rough and skipped church, bad momma I know, but I wasn't just tired, I was mentally and physically worn out.
Two months of preparation and planning for this big event and I have to say, it went very, very well! I could not have expected better! I think that was the reason I didn't really want to count the cash drawer. What if we didn't get close to what I was hoping for? Will it be enough? Did we actually make a lot or just some? All I knew was that I was dead tired and was in no mood for a let down. So, sleep and rest trumped money! I let myself over sleep and rest, I needed it!
All in all, it was a good sale. But I'm glad it's over. Yard sales are hard work, don't let anyone tell you different! As far as the money drawer. Mike counted it, I have yet to touch it and it's now 7:15pm on Sunday night. And as far as the total, Mike said it came to a little over $1800! So yes, the hard work paid off. This will be such a major help to our adoption fund, which was the sole purpose in the fundraiser.
So, thanks to our friends and family for the help! Thanks to all those awesome people that donated items! And, thanks to all those awesome people who came to our sale! We could not have done any of it without you!!