Monday, August 26, 2013

Mrs. Lemmons? .....

I wish I would have heard that instead of "Leigh?" when I went for my physical at the doctor's office last week. Instead, I heard my first name pronounced - "Lee?".  About 50% of the time, my first name gets pronounced wrong. It's Leah (Le-uh), not Leigh, or Lee, or Leigha, just Leah (Le-uh). It's even in the bible. How many of you knew that?

It's happened all my life really. When I was in grade school on up into high school, my first name was always, always, pronounced wrong. Then, in college, my last name was pronounced wrong. How would you pronounce, "Bamman"? Seriously? My professors were thinking too hard, how many different ways can  you pronounce the name, "Bamman"? They were very creative and obviously thinking too hard. It's pronounced just like it looks, "Bam-man". Okay.  Moving on....

The first steps have been completed. Both sets of Applications have been submitted to our Home Study agency and our adoption agency. Then, hopefully it's on to the second visit with our social worker. This last week, I had my physical done, and this week Mike's getting his done. Waiting to get the paperwork back from Mike's physical and blood work this week.  It's required for our adoption of Tanya. Yah! We're moving on....

Next, all of this is to be filed with our adoption agency. It's mostly just "agreement" papers, all legal stuff, notarized, blah blah blah blah.  You have no idea how many trees the government kills in filing adoption paperwork! Redundant and excessive to say the least!  So in taking part in the forest killing spree, the first round of paperwork is done.

Next?'s time to start fundraising! And I mean, FUNDRAISING!!! Adoptions are not simple, nor cheap. It seems like anything that has to have the governments involvement is not cheap or short in process. It's usually slow, slower, and even s-l-o-w-e-r than you would expect. Many have asked me how long it will take to get Tanya home. We've been told maybe traveling by March, April of next year? There's really no certain time line for adoptions. It's the waiting game. Any adoptive parent can tell you that. (usually while gritting their teeth!)

Next? Tanya's birthday is in mid September! Our girl turns 16! We gave her an American birthday party with family while she was here.

Right down to blowing out the candles! Aiden wanted his own to "bwow" out so he got a cupcake. I really, really think she enjoyed it. She was a bit overwhelmed with the family being there, but after a while she warmed up to each one individually. It was great to see her smile and be so excited about the presents, cards, etc! Loved seeing her smiling for the next few days! She was so happy!

Can't believe she's turning 16 and she won't be here. So, I'm sending her a small care package in the mail. I'm also sending her brother a small care package too. Tanya's  package has things I know she'll love. (not going to spoil the surprise in case our girl finds my blog, they do have internet in Ukraine!) But, I am sending her brother Vanya something too. He is 18 and will remain in Ukraine. It makes me sad that she'll be leaving her brother, but with internet and letters, hopefully they can remain in constant contact.

I sure hope Vanya and Tanya get them. I've already sent Tanya a letter and it seemed to take around 3 weeks to get to her in Ukraine. The small packages are nothing of great value, just small gifts, just in case it does get "intercepted" before Vanya and Tanya get them. But I hope they do get them. Tanya's package has a Happy 16th Birthday card in it.

Life is moving on with or with out my consent. Days pass, one right after another. The hurry up and wait is just beginning, just waiting on the next step....that's all I can do right now....

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