Friday, January 24, 2014

Here's the deal ...

This is the deal friends and family! :) I'm sorry to keep you peeps in the dark for so long, but I haven't had a clue as to what was going on either.  I don't know what is going to happen in the next 2 weeks, but we have been told to appear in Kiev, Ukraine on Feb 12th for our SDA appointment. That leaves us 2 weeks to finalize travel plans, make arrangements for the kids, and most of all figure out how we're going to come up with the money for our first trip! We kind of put fundraising on hold a while back,  pending our girls decision, which has changed several times over the last few months.  And with her decision being "no" a week ago, we stopped everything thinking it was a no go, that we wouldn't adopt our girl.

But today.  Today, today, today we are forging ahead, not knowing if her "Yes!" we're being told is a final YES. But we've got to forge ahead. What else can we do? I have to know that we tried our best. That we forged ahead. That we did absolutely everything to give this girl a chance and her know that she is worth it! That she knows we love her and will care for her. That she deserves this chance!

Now. Now is the time. There's no more delaying anything. This weekend, we have to finalize our flights to Ukraine. We can not finalize our returning flights because we are not sure when it'll be okay to leave Ukraine. Nothing is for sure over there, nothing! We've been told, expect hiccups. Mike will stay the first week we are both required to stay in Ukraine, then return home. I will stay in Ukraine and finish up anything else that needs it, which at this point I have no idea what will be required after Mike leaves.

We've been told after our first trip, we will return home for about 4 weeks. Then we will return to Ukraine to court, finish up legal stuff, then Mike will once again return home without me. I will stay in Ukraine  for the 10 day waiting period, then T and I will go to Kiev for her exit medical, T's passport, birth certificate and anything else we'll need to get her out of that country. I'm not even sure if I have all that right, where we'll go what we'll do, but for now, it's all I know.

After flights, I need to figure out what our kids are going to do. There's school for Taylor, Mother's Day out for Aiden. Mike will stay gone for a week for both trips, but I will be gone 2 plus weeks for both trips. How is this going to play out? I have no idea. Still wondering about this plan too.

Next, there is the money situation. We were so fortunate enough that Show Hope is giving us a $4000 grant for our adoption, AND, they are gracious enough to get that to our agency in the next week or so for us to carry it on our first trip! Which, is a God send, that's the trip where the most money is needed! AND, that trip is in 2 weeks! Now. How on earth are we going to come up with the rest of the money not to mention money for the flights? I don't know that right now.

So, yes! I have lots of homework to do. And,!! So bare with me friends! This is going to be a wild ride! So far it's been crazy! Ups and downs are not my specialty! I detest them, seriously! But for this girl,

we've got to try! Thanks for all the support, prayers, messages, and posts! Pray for our girl, pray for us, and pray for my family! We appreciate each and every one!

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