Thursday, August 2, 2012

Finally ....

It finally came! I can't believe it finally came! We've been waiting for almost 6 months for Aiden's Certificate of Citizenship to come in the mail and it showed up today.  It came certified mail no doubt! So glad I was here to sign for it! It is the.last.document we had to submit to the government to get proof that Aiden is a US citizen. This is the final "task" that had to be completed for his adoption! I can't believe it's all finally done! So, check this picture out!

From what I've heard, he'll need this to apply for college and I think to get his driver's license. Really?!? I can't even imagine Aiden going off to college OR getting his driver's license!! Hold on there cowboy, one thing at a time!!

So happy that ALL the paperwork is done. We have legally adopted Yeong-min Gim from South Korea who is now legally known as Aiden Lee Lemmons. Even though he is now legally Aiden, he will always know where he was from and every bit of information that exists of his life before us. It's all tucked away in all these books.  The three photo albums have over 300 photos of Aiden's life up until 3 days before we got him.

 The top book is my blog book, which has every detail of our journey to him. 

The second book on top is his baby book. (which I need to be doing better at filling out, bad mama!)

These two binders have all his Well Baby Check ups, medical records, background information. You name it, it's probably in there!

So there it is, Aiden's life in all these books. I'm so happy to have all these details and pictures about his life before us. So when he's ready, we'll sit down and look  at all this stuff, maybe even take a trip back to South Korea some day! Oh yeah! How could we not?!? :)

1 comment:

  1. Not only smart, but thorough and organized,--that's my daughter!
    You jumped through seemingly hundreds of hoops (along with hubby) to get to this point.
    I hope Aiden can have a photo made soon--- waving an American flag.
    Wow! What a journey.
    Start saving your pocket change for that trip. It's do-able!
    Love, Mom
