Sunday, January 15, 2012

Aiden Flying High ...

Aiden hasn't been on any kind of airplane since he came home with us in March. Mike, Aiden, and I spent 14 hours on a Korean Air 777 flying back to the US to Atlanta. Then flew 1 hour on a little MD 80 from Atlanta to Nashville. Mike and I have never spent that much time in the air either, much less Aiden.  So today we decided it was time to let him fly again. But this time, it was all four of us, Mike, me, Tay, and Aiden. We really didn't know how he would react, so we said what the heck, we'd try it.

Mike and his dad flew his plane from Russellville, Ky, where he keeps it, down to Springfield, Tn's local airport. So Tay, Aiden, and I met them there.  We thought we'd just go up and see how Aiden reacts, if he doesn't like it, we'd come back down and land. 

You want me to do what in that thing!?!

The look on Aiden's face is really misleading.

                               So, here we go.

Making sure mama is close! I was sitting in the back next to him, in case he was scared, but he was fine.

                               Taxiing .....

So far so good, but we're not in the air yet!

Entering the runway and taking off!!

           Mike and Tay at the controls...

Eating snacks, maybe he was preoccupied with that .... nah, he was fine the whole time!

How many 11 years old do you know that feel this comfortable flying?

We flew over Tay's school.

The sun was starting to set, so we headed back to the airport.

The look on his face is misleading. He actually did very well, wasn't scared, and was fine the entire plane ride.

Love to see all the farm land.  Kentucky is beautiful!

The sun was making it's way down, so we headed back to Russellville, Kentucky Airport. Mike's dad took my car back to our house, so we all rode back home together. 

On final approach ...

Perfect landing! Yeah, but what do I know! lol

I really don't know if Aiden had any concept of being in the air. He did look out of the plane, but couldn't actually see the ground because he was sitting too low in the seat.  So I guess we'll just have to try it again sometime. The air was really smooth today, so that made for a good first time. The plane is a little loud if you don't wear a headset. I tried to put one on Aiden, but he did not want to, of course. I can barely put a hat on him, so this is no real surprise. I think Mike was really curious to see if Aiden would be okay riding in the plane for a while.  I hope Aiden grows up liking the airplane like his dad. I think it would be one awesome bond they would share together.  They both love being outside, they both are busy bees, and they both love to play!

Yah for another Aiden "first"!!  I'm so glad Aiden is here with us. It's so great to see things through his eyes. To see him excited, happy, and loved is so awesome! To see him experience different things, I often wonder would he have done this, would he have done that if he hadn't been here with us.  I'll never know that, I'm just so glad he's here!  I love my precious little boy and my family. :)


  1. Told so interestingly! Yep, it looked like he was fine with it. Bet Mike was very happy about that. And, Tay with that beautiful smile. Makes the day brighter just looking at her. Glad it went well.

  2. aw go Aiden!! He definitely did better than I ever would. I usually cry through 80% of the whole flight! haha

  3. How very exciting. My boys love flying, but they usually travel on 737's not the small planes. Tay and Aiden are so lucky to have the opportunity to have their dad fly them around!!!

  4. That is so cool! What a fun family together time that must have been. :)

  5. What a fun day!!!! Definitely good daddy bonding time in the future.

  6. he's so cute i can't stand it;)))))
