Friday, January 27, 2012

I've been published ....

When I  first started my Trail to Aiden Lee blog, September 1, 2010, I never thought I'd be blogging as much as I did, much less blogging period! But, I did, and I'm soooo glad I did! I have just about all the facts from our journey to Aiden, pictures, probably everything I wanted to keep from it, down on every post. After I'd gotten a few posts under my belt, I realized there was a web site called Blog2Print. I didn't really think about it too much at the time. I was still in the beginnings of the blog and had no idea where it was going or how far.

Fast forward to January of this year. The blog had served it's purpose on documenting our journey to Aiden Lee. So what else to do but start another blog, but what to do with the old one. Blog2Print baby! You can pick the picture you want to go on the front and back cover, color of the cover, etc! I was so excited to get this in the mail when it came!! Seriously!! It only took a little over a week to get it after it was ordered.

I was shocked to see how thick it was! Guess I blogged more than I thought I did. But that's awesome!!

It has the Table of Contents, each blogs title, and what page it's on in the front. Each blog post has the full post plus all the pictures each post has, printed. Plus, all my friends' comments at the end of each blog post printed. I love that! I re-read some of my favorite posts after it came in the mail.

And of course I picked  our Finalization Day family photo to go on the back cover. Rather fitting I thought.

So there you have it. Trail to Aiden Lee has been published. Yeah, okay, I'm the only one who actually has a copy, but nonetheless, published! I could not think of a better way to show him what we went through to get him.  I will treasure this always and I hope Aiden will some day do the same!


  1. It looks awesome, Leah! I need to get mine done now. :)

  2. I've known all along I wanted to print our adoption blog, but I had never actually seen it done. Yours turned out GREAT! I can't wait to do our's when all is said and done now :)
